fluidxr source
The snippet can be accessed without any authentication.
Authored by
Pierre Manchon
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
def fluidx(path: str, rsattrs: list = None, suattrs: list = None, filename: str = 'domain') -> None:
# Variables = paramètres de la fonction
# Invariables
RS_file: str = 'RS' # Description RS
RSRS_file: str = 'RSRS' # Connectivité RS à RS
SU_file: str = 'SU' # Description SU
SURS_file: str = 'SURS' # Connectivité SU à RS
# DATA IMPORT ===============================================================================================
path = Path(path)
RS = pd.read_csv(path.joinpath(f'{RS_file}.csv'))[['ID', *rsattrs]]
RSRS = pd.read_csv(path.joinpath(f'{RSRS_file}.csv'))
SU = pd.read_csv(path.joinpath(f'{SU_file}.csv'))[['ID', *suattrs]]
SURS = pd.read_csv(path.joinpath(f'{SURS_file}.csv'))
# DATA PROCESSING ===========================================================================================
# Ajout de la colonne PO (process order) en correspondance avec les RS cibles des SU et suppression des RS sans PO
SURS = pd.merge(RSRS, SURS, left_on='FROM', right_on='TO', how='right', suffixes=('_RSRS', '')).dropna()[['FROM', 'TO', 'PO']]
# Transformation de la connectivité en tuples
def f(df: pd.DataFrame, src_col: str, target_col: str) -> list:
result = []
for r in range(len(df)):
src, target, po = df.iloc[r].values
result.append([src_col, str(int(src)), str(int(po)), target_col, str(int(target))])
return result
Connections = namedtuple('Connections', 'src_class src_id src_po target_class target_id')
CS = [Connections(*x) for x in f(SURS, 'SU', 'RS') + f(RSRS, 'RS', 'RS')]
# Transformation des attributs en listes de str
def g(df: pd.DataFrame): # Returns tuple(str, list)
cols = ';'.join(df.columns[1:]) # Remove id/ID column from the colorder
result = []
for i in range(len(df)):
r = df.iloc[i].values
r = [int(r[0]), *r[1:]]
result.append(r" ".join(str(v) for v in r))
return cols, result
cols_RS, result_RS = g(RS)
cols_SU, result_SU = g(SU)
# EXPORT TO FLUIDX ==========================================================================================
root = ET.Element("openfluid")
domain = ET.SubElement(root, "domain")
ET.SubElement(domain, "attributes", unitsclass="RS", colorder=cols_RS).text = f'\n{"\n".join(result_RS)}\n '
ET.SubElement(domain, "attributes", unitsclass="SU", colorder=cols_SU).text = f'\n{"\n".join(result_SU)}\n '
ET.SubElement(domain, "calendar").text = ''
definition = ET.SubElement(domain, "definition")
for con in CS:
unit = ET.SubElement(definition, "unit", CLASS=con.src_class, ID=con.src_id, pcsorder=con.src_po)
ET.SubElement(unit, "to", CLASS=con.target_class, ID=con.target_id)
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
ET.indent(tree, space=' ', level=0)
with open(f'{filename}.fluidx', 'wb') as f:
f.write(b'<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>\n')
tree.write(f, xml_declaration=False)
# Fix python not accepting class as a kwarg
with open(f'{filename}.fluidx', 'r') as f:
data = f.read()
data = data.replace('CLASS', 'class')
with open(f'{filename}.fluidx', 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
# Declare cli
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='fluidxr',
description='Convert connectivity/attributes CSV files into an OpenFLUID (FLuidx) domain')
parser.add_argument('path', help='Path to the data dir')
parser.add_argument('--filename', help='Name of the output file', default='domain')
parser.add_argument('--rsattrs', nargs='+', help='Names of the columns to keep in the RS attributes file')
parser.add_argument('--suattrs', nargs='+', help='Names of the columns to keep in the Su attributes file')
args = parser.parse_args()
# If only 1 column is specified, type is not a list but a str, thus it must be cast as a list using [] (using list() would separate each letter)
if isinstance((rsattrs := args.rsattrs), str):
rsattrs = [args.rsattrs]
if isinstance((suattrs := args.suattrs), str):
suattrs = [args.suattrs]
# Execute
fluidx(args.path, rsattrs, suattrs, args.filename)
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